My name is Quinnton Harris, and I am a beautiful mosaic of lived-experience and culture.Photo by Tamara Rose Peña Loera- 11 / BlavityEveryday I wake up in search of courage and authentic expression. And on this journey, I've been met with opportunities to create impact in ways I'd never imagine. Janaury 2018 I became the inaugural Creative Director at Blavity, a global media platform that empowers Black creators with tools to change the world.
- 10 / Love & MarRIAGEOn May 4, 2017, I married my partner of 7 years in Nassau, Bahamas. I'm forever grateful for the outpour of love and admiration we received for this moment. To know that our family and friends felt appreciated, deeply connected, and free to be themselves at our celebration meant to the world to me.
- 09 / Walker & FamilyI stumbled across an opportunity to build something my family and friends would be proud of—and I ultimately took a leap of faith to join Silicon Valley startup. Walker & Company gave me a first-hand experience in building a venture-backed business from ground up, and got me re-acquainted with my technical roots.
- 08 / StoryTellingNYC, my home from 2014-2016, gave me space to grow as a designer, and helped me see myself more as an artist. With every lens snapped and every pixel laid, I became more of who I was meant to be.Photo by Aundre Larrow
- 07 / Art DirectionMy first day-job in Advertising bridged my intuition for design and my technical education as a product engineer. From Boston to New York, I helped Fortune 500 brands find their voice in a noisy, digital world as I continued to develop my own.
- 06 / MITUndergrad at MIT was an intense experience to say the least. The "pressure-cooker" as we called it forced me to think deeply about purpose. I also affirmed in me that I have the potential to impact the world.Photo by Scott Brauer
- 05 / M.I.T.E.S.The Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES) program opened my mind to a world I never knew existed. MITES not only provided the needed academic challenge but it gave me a holistic, global perspective— one I did get growing up on the West-side of Chicago. It was here where the sleeping the giant awoke within me.
- 04 / Proviso EastMy high school will always be my heart. The campus wasn’t always the safest, and the facilities weren’t state-of-the-art— but I experienced such a great love and community. I got the best education possible from teachers and staff that cared about my future. And I undoubtably developed a character rooted in love, honesty and compassion. As a Proviso East Pirate, I will forever bleed blue.Photo by Heather Charles
- 03 / K'nex, Batman and ArtThese were my childhood loves. When going to play outside wasn't very safe to do in my neighborhood, I turned to these gems to free my mind and my imagination. They were my role models and heroes. They taught me how to think for myself, solve problems, and be proud of my story.Photo by Lego Creations
- 02 / My TwinI did not come into this world by myself, but as one of a pair. Neko Harris, my life and my rock, is someone I will always admire. We are complete opposites, but we fit together like jigsaw puzzle pieces. We were cultured to be strong individuals—but even stronger as a unit.
- 01 / I sTAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTSMy heritage is diverse and rich. My ancestors strived to ensure I could thrive in a better world. My family specifically is gifted in the arts— my grandparents were artists, my mother is a talented songtress and seamstress, my father was a gifted entrepreneur and my eldest brother Shaun J Wright is a multi-faceted artist. I come from great gifts, and I will continue carry forward with the family craft.
Copyright © Quinnton J Harris